A pillar of writing and a peerless connoisseur like myself, with Brig
a Friday night without a car .... a desire to distract drinking good wine and eating of wholesome cooking .... make a few calls and we were to decide the new Tuscan restaurant .... novara local friendly family-run. No menu because it is based on availability, but availability guys ..... exceptional cuisine with a chef always live, from pasta and homemade desserts ... it starts with a Gattinara of 2004

is followed by tagliatelle with porcini mushrooms

lasagna with truffles .....

farro soup .... sexy ....

Tartare meat ....

Valdostana ..... exceptional

Finally a tart with berries and ricotta cake followed by coffee with mini ice cream to coffee .... great ...
restaurant above average and the price is not prohibitive, even content.
Trattoria Toscana New
Viale Dante Alighieri 13
28100 Novara