CHASHMONAIM: THE HEROES OF Chanukah ' Adapted by Rav David Drash Zacut Modena (David Zecher, 1836)
the beginning of the Torah portion of Baalotechà (Bamidbar 8, 1), the Ramban (Nachmanides) cites the following midrash. When Ha-Aharon Cohen saw that the leaders of the tribes of Israel brought the sacrificial offerings for the Chanukah (opening) of the Mishkan (Sanctuary mobile) in the desert, because he suffered an injustice was done against the tribe of Levi, of which He was the leader, and who took no part in this inauguration.
Ha-Kadosh Baruch Hu reassured Aharon promising that there will be another opening in which miracles and salvation will occur at the hands of the tribe of Levi. It is the reinauguration (channukkà) of the Bet Ha-Mikdash that will be desecrated by the Greeks at the hands of Chashmonaim (Hasmonean), who were Cohanim, and thus part of the tribe of Levi. For this reason, the portion of the Torah on the power-Menor immediately follows that for the inauguration of the Mishkan.
First it is not clear why Aharon resented the fact that other tribes and not brought sacrificial offerings of the tribe of Levi. In the end, almost all of the activities which take place in the Bet Ha-Mikdash occur at the hand of Levim and Cohanim. Why so much importance is given to the inauguration?
also asked Aharon an honor Of the tribe of Levi nell'inaugurazione the Mishkan in the desert. How does the mind of Aaron abated by the fact that several generations later there will be another opening at the hands of the tribe of Levi?
is known that one of the decrees of the Greeks against Am Israel was to impose on the horns of the ox to write "you have no portion in the Gd of Israel." Masters explained that with this decree, the Greeks wanted to allude to the fact that the Chet Ha-Eghel (the episode of the golden calf) Am Israel had irretrievably away from Ha-Kadosh Baruch Hu and therefore had no more " portion in the Gd of Israel. "
Since the tribe of Levi took no part in the episode the golden calf, the Chashmonaim, members of the tribe of Levi, are themselves the most appropriate response to the claims of the Greeks, that would warrant his miracles, salvation and the reinauguration of the Bet Ha-Mikdash in the days of Chanukah occurred at the hands them.
the Torah Ve-zot ha-Beracha Rabbenu Moses blesses the tribe of Levi, promising to be victorious against their enemies (Deuteronomy 33-11). The Midrash (quoted by Rashi on the spot) explains that it is thanks to the Beracha Chashmonaim win against the Greeks.
addition, the midrash continues, thanks to this Beracha "will be many and fall at the hands of a few" with reference to the miracle of Chanukah in which a handful of scholars of Torah ghedolim Cohanim (the Chashmonaim) won against the multitude of well-armed Greeks.
This midrash seems to contradict the previous one. What is the merit whereby Chashmonaim won: the fact that the tribe of Levi took no part in the episode of the golden calf or Beracha Rabbenu of Moses?
Also, what did he believe in Moses Rabbenu Leviim that deserved the Chanukah miracles and salvations occurred at the hands of them?
Finally, Beracha Rabbenu of Moses says only that the Leviim defeat their enemies. Whence derives the midrash that thanks to Beracha of Moses "will be many (Greek) and fall at the hands of a few (Chashmonaim) "?
Rav David Zacut Modena, in his commentary on the Torah (David Zecher, Livorno, 1836, reprinted in Yerushalaim 2000) cites another midrash (Sifre) explaining the Beracha Rabbenu of Moses to the tribe of Levi.
is known that the honor of the tribe of Levi was retained with the story of Dinah, when Shimon and Levi killed "a betrayal" of the inhabitants Shchem the fact that her sister Dina married one of them (Bereshit 34). The midrash explains that with the episode of the golden calf that honor was repaired. In what way? Moses Rabbenu stopped at the gates of the camp and said, "Who is Ha-Shem to come with me "(Shemot 32, 26). I followed the call of Moses Leviim Rabbenu, took his sword and killed about three thousand Jews who had sinned in the episode of the golden calf, thus vindicating the honor of Ha-Shem and repairing the dishonor of the times of Dina.
midrash This solves all our difficulties.
First there is the contrast between the midrash that says that the miracles of Chanukah took place at the hands of the tribe of Levi not merit gained by participating in the episode of the golden calf and the midrash that says that deserved the victory because of Chanukah the Beracha Rabbenu of Moses. The episode of the golden calf is in fact the reason why Moses Rabbenu believed to bless the tribe of Levi.
also a small number of Leviim fought and defeated a much larger number of Good 'sinful Israel with the golden calf. And this is about which the midrash says that when Chashmonaim deserved that "many were (Greek) and fell at the hands of a few (Chashmonaim).
Finally, if the time of the killing of the sons of Dina Shchem was an incident of desecration of the name Ha-Shem, the zeal shown by the killing of sinners of the golden calf instead formed a sanctification of the Name. And then it was a "repair" honor injured at the time of Dina.
We know that the Mishkan Atonement is for the episode of the golden calf. The proof is that the passuk said referring to the Mishkan, "and build a Mikdash and dwell among you" (Shemot 25, 8).
therefore understand the original midrash quoted by Ramban.
When Aharon saw that the leaders of the tribes of Israel were to bring the sacrificial offerings in repair of the episode of the golden calf, Aharon he resented. If it is true that the tribe of Levi did not bring any offer "restorative" because it had not participated in the episode of the golden calf, on the other hand, there was nothing to show that the tribe of Levi had "fixed", with the his zeal demonstrated in the wilderness, honor injured at the time of Dina. And it was this fact that "annoyed" Aharon.
The answer to Aharon is so understood. Hakadosh Aharon Baruch Hu reassured by saying that there will be another opening at the time of Chashmonaim which will take place on the merit of having restored the honor of Dina affected the time with the zeal shown in sanctifying the Name of the calf during the episode 'gold. And hearing what Aaron got the comfort he sought.
Not only do the reinauguration of the Bet Ha-Mikdash, but also the lights of Chanukah we light ourselves in these days, two millennia after the destruction of the Bet Ha-Mikdash, are testimony "eternal" in the restored honor of the tribe of Levi.
May the Bet Ha-Mikdash be rebuilt quickly in our days.
SAMEAC Chanukah!
Michele Cogo
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