Due to Mariani President for his words.
With the permission Della Rocca of the rabbis, Margalit, Haddad and Viterbo,
As we teach our teachers to begin by thanking Gianna Wagner de Polo, for me, Aunt Janet, who along with other staff members of the museum has organized and hosted this presentation.
L 'very moving occasion for me because we are in a museum dedicated to my maternal grandparents Charles and Vera Wagner zl to present a book dedicated to the memory of my parents and Dario Claudia Cogoi zl. For the uninitiated, was the mother's elder sister Gianna.
The Italian edition of the book "Path of Life" was born, like many things, apparently by accident. We know the author, Rabbi Akiva Tatz, for many years. Practitioners in South Africa and a rabbi in Israel and in other parts of the world, he has dedicated his life to the education of young people today in London and directs the educational center of Europe's largest Jewish (Jewish Learning Exchange). He has published several books that have enjoyed great success and is one of the most requested speakers in the Anglo-Saxon world.
But here is how was the history of our involvement with this book. A Yerushalaim, including the study of a page of Talmud and the next, the son of Rabbi Tatz, Moshe, he asked my brother Michael, who unfortunately was unable to come today in Trieste, it may take a look to the Italian translation of a book of his father. The book, a bestseller written originally in English, has already been translated into French, English, Russian and Portuguese.
This happened in a very special year for us. Celebrated the 30th anniversary of our mother and the fifth of our father. For those who do not know, Dad, among its many activities, including the chairmanship of the stock, was president of the Jewish community of Trieste in the late sixties and early seventies. In those same years, and as long as he had strength, mother was director of the Child which is on the side.
same year anniversaries of these "rounds" (the thirtieth and fifth), each of us four brothers and sisters, bli ain ha-ra, has given birth to a boy or a girl. Hence the idea of \u200b\u200bdedicating a book not only to the memory of our parents, but also in honor of our children.
And here we are, after the fateful thousand adventures with the book. This is a completely new work for Italy. Whether the style, not just graphics, but also for content.
you remember the freshness with which young people view the world? Think about the fundamental questions of life that seems to have entirely. In particular For us Jews that we must be forced to ask ourselves about our identity. These are important years in which our lives are shaped, often permanent.
But while the questions we ourselves all the more or less the same way, to give us the answers we have used the sources, principles and values \u200b\u200bthat we had available and which were not always very Jewish. And the young Italian who does not find satisfactory answers Jewish, will, alas, to find non-Jewish, with whom many of us, unfortunately, then live the rest of their lives.
The uniqueness of this book is to provide analysis tools that enable young people to see clearly the nature of the problem, to help young people to answer questions properly and get him or herself to their answers.
Instead of saying "you're young and you can not understand" the book gives the total adolescent decision-making autonomy. Rather than wade through from top to bottom, the author equates the player and seems to be saying exactly the opposite: "because you're young you can understand."
In Italy we are used to a Jewish education ortopratica, in which, although correct in the name of the Jewish principle of "do and you'll understand," understanding is postponed to a future that seems to never arrive.
The author does not fear instead of present and discuss with young people ideas that some consider "cabalistic" but are nothing more than the necessary basis for understanding what it means to be Jewish, what is the Torah and why we perform the mitzvot. In the absence of such understanding is the observance of the precepts addiritura limiting or stifling. The correct street, on ... "Path of Life", is instead to open up themselves and their souls on the size of the "Finished" to that of the 'Infinite. "
In this way the trust that the author gives young people is sensational. Also
instead draw on the tedious traditional philosophical language, or literary style - some moralistic Jewish works with which young people today are struggling to relate to the uniqueness of the book is to present very deep Jewish ideas using simple language, modern and accessible.
shlit'a Rabbi Moshe Shapiro, one of the largest exhibitors and experts of Jewish thought, it says in its letter of approval to the English edition of the book, that "only those who truly understood the depth of the concepts can translate them into plain language, understandable to the young. "
But the book is not just a manual for Teenagers. Indeed. Adults who have the power to see the world with the freshness of youth and who want to take short walks Jewish interrupted or never begun, will find this book an incredible source of inspiration. It's never too late, the important thing is to start walking a path of spiritual growth.
The book is also useful for those parents or grandparents who see their children or grandchildren excited nell'abracciare an authentic Jewish way and we want to have the tools to encourage them in their own way and help them grow. Or even just to have a dialogue. A
last index gives an idea of \u200b\u200btopics:
Men and women
The uniqueness of the individual
Freedom and Responsibility
Elevation spiritual
Jews, not Jews and intermarriage
Reality and illusion
a deeper reality. I read on Jewish Pages
that the book is a best of the best-selling Jewish books, tangible acknowledgment of the quality of this choice and editorial content.
But we do talk about the author. Take for example the subject of marriage, addressed a number of initiatives that the presentation of this book is a part.
The chapter on marriage begins. Without preamble: "What is the difference between being Jewish and non-Jews?" Jumping a bit ', the book continues: "A feature typical of our generation is no longer conscious, spontaneously and naturally, the difference between Jews and non Jews. []
Until a few generations ago, many Jews, though not observant, Jewish identity had inner well-established today, however, many Jews are barely aware of their identity. What is the origin of this transformation?
In the Talmud it is written: "Every seventy years is a star in heaven that confuses the guidance of mariners. Every generation in the history of the Jewish people is tested through a false philosophy or ideology. Important movements of thought that are opposed to the authentic religious values, make their way in the world, also in Hebrew. [] Seventy years after the hero dies and there is another. []
The great Jewish minds of the past generation argued that the temptation of that era was represented by socialism and communism ... [] However, these ideologies, after seventy years are no longer relevant and have left the world of human beliefs. []
But what is the test to pass today? What confuses the star route for those who navigate in today's society? [] Is the blurring of the distinction between Jews and non-Jews. " And the chapter continues. I hope I have given you an idea.
conclude by saying that we have decided to donate a copy of this book to any young person who will attain the bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah in the community of Trieste with the hope that it can be a useful tool for its growth Hebrew. Continuing in this way the educational work of our parents.
Pass the word to Rabbi Della Rocca, who do not think he needs no introduction and I thank him not only for writing a letter of approval pregievole of this book, but also for being here today in Trieste.
Daniel and Michele Cogo
The book, which costs € 15, available at Jewish bookstores in Milan and Rome, and a short www.mamash.it on the premises of the Community.
ideas, Jewish values \u200b\u200band spirituality in modern society
Rabbi Akiva Tatz
Ed Mamash
mikeamchaisrael.blogspot.com initiative of the Jewish world Italian
mikeamchaisrael.blogspot.com initiative of the Jewish world Italian
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