APPLICATION. I have to drink the wine of kiddush, even if I do not like? In cases where it is required, you just taste it? Alternatively, I can drink grape juice?
RESPONSE. The obligation to recite the kiddush and the evening of the day (which is a Shabbat to Yom-Tov) applies to men, women and children. ( Shmirat Ilchata Shabbat Ke-47, 6-7)
For those states. We must do everything possible to use a good quality wine (in general it is better to be red) ( Shmirat Ilchata Shabbat Ke-47, 17). The kiddush is recited over a full glass contains at least one revii't (see link ) of wine (Shmirat Ilchata Shabbat Ke-47, 9). If those who do not like to recite the kiddush wine, grape juice can be used (Shmirat Ilchata Shabbat Ke-53-2) . In order for the kiddush is valid, those who recite it must drink a lot of wine (or grape juice) called "ki-lugmav melodrama", equivalent to a cheek full (half-mouth). This level is individual and depends on the size of the mouth individual. (Shemirat Ilchata Shabbat Ke-48, 9)
If those who wish to recite the kiddush does not like nor wine nor the grape juice (or the doctor can not drink it) is preferable to recite the kiddush in someone else. If you can drink just a little 'wine or grape juice, but it is preferable that you recite someone else, you can recite it, and give a drink to drink ki-lugmav melodrama to a diner. If you are not drinking (even collectively) the amount of ki-melodrama lugmav the kiddush is invalid and said it was a Beracha in vain. (Shemirat Ilchata Shabbat Ke-48, 14)
Friday evening. If there is anybody who likes wine or grape juice, the kiddush is recited with the bread as described here . (Shemirat Ilchata Shabbat Ke-53, 4 et seq.)
Shabbat lunch. Unlike Friday night, even if the wine (or grape juice) is available or like (and even more so if the doctor does not like or can not), you can recite the kiddush on brandy, whiskey or like other liquor, as long as it is customary to drink beverage important ("chamar medina") in the country where it is recited. For those who can not drink alcohol or grape juice, you can recite the kiddush with milk, with coffee or tea with sugar. Only in the absence of all these options you can use the bread. (Shemirat Ilchata Shabbat Ke-53, 9 et seq.)
For those states. We must do everything possible to use a good quality wine (in general it is better to be red) ( Shmirat Ilchata Shabbat Ke-47, 17). The kiddush is recited over a full glass contains at least one revii't (see link ) of wine (Shmirat Ilchata Shabbat Ke-47, 9). If those who do not like to recite the kiddush wine, grape juice can be used (Shmirat Ilchata Shabbat Ke-53-2) . In order for the kiddush is valid, those who recite it must drink a lot of wine (or grape juice) called "ki-lugmav melodrama", equivalent to a cheek full (half-mouth). This level is individual and depends on the size of the mouth individual. (Shemirat Ilchata Shabbat Ke-48, 9)
If those who wish to recite the kiddush does not like nor wine nor the grape juice (or the doctor can not drink it) is preferable to recite the kiddush in someone else. If you can drink just a little 'wine or grape juice, but it is preferable that you recite someone else, you can recite it, and give a drink to drink ki-lugmav melodrama to a diner. If you are not drinking (even collectively) the amount of ki-melodrama lugmav the kiddush is invalid and said it was a Beracha in vain. (Shemirat Ilchata Shabbat Ke-48, 14)
Friday evening. If there is anybody who likes wine or grape juice, the kiddush is recited with the bread as described here . (Shemirat Ilchata Shabbat Ke-53, 4 et seq.)
Shabbat lunch. Unlike Friday night, even if the wine (or grape juice) is available or like (and even more so if the doctor does not like or can not), you can recite the kiddush on brandy, whiskey or like other liquor, as long as it is customary to drink beverage important ("chamar medina") in the country where it is recited. For those who can not drink alcohol or grape juice, you can recite the kiddush with milk, with coffee or tea with sugar. Only in the absence of all these options you can use the bread. (Shemirat Ilchata Shabbat Ke-53, 9 et seq.)
For those who listen. The mitzvah of kiddush also applies to guests. Necessary that those who recite the kiddush is going to recite it for the listener and the listener wishes to do the mitzvah listening (Shmirat Ilchata Shabbat Ke-47, 32). After the person reciting the kiddush has been drinking, it is good that all those present for which he recited the kiddush, appetizer wine (or grape juice) from the kiddush cup. Just a sip. If you prefer, there are strong bases Halacha to allow you to pour the wine (or grape juice) in the glasses of the guests (Shabbat Shemirat 48, 11). See here to the correct procedure.
It should be noted that, even if it is good practice, it is not necessary that the guests drink the wine (or grape juice). Provided they have heard the kiddush and who says he drank a lot of "melodrama lugmav-ki", they have made the mitzvah. (Shemirat Ilchata Shabbat Ke-48, 14)
wine only during a meal. Who does not want to drink wine on an empty stomach, but I want to drink during the meal, if you did not drink at all when must repeat the kiddush wine Beracha before drinking it, even though he has said hamotzì. Also, if you do not drink at the time of kiddush, has no effect have in mind to fill with Beracha of kiddush wine that will drink during the meal.
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