Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Want To Sell Madame Alexander Dolls 1980

Q & A: You can remove the label from a dress?

Question. Shabbat If you realize you have not removed the sticker with the price of a new dress or not removing the plastic thread that joins two new shoes, it is permitted to cut the wire and used clothing and shoes?

Response. If the wire was applied temporarily (or to be removed before use of clothing or shoes) after the production of clothing or shoes was already finished, remove the label and does not constitute transgression of the wire melakhah of Maka Be-Patish , literally "the hammer" at the end that ends the work of the artisan, a term which is called melakhah that is to end, complete a Keli (tool, object). Also, cut a wire is not ruining the transgression of melakhah Korea, rip. Therefore, it is permitted to cut both the wire that holds the tag of the dress, is the thread that connects the shoes.


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