Liz New York is a brilliant woman with a happy marriage, a beautiful house, a job that leads around the world, apparently serena.ma one night felt like a void within himself and realizes that life is no longer for lei.Decide to separate and then divorce her husband and begins a journey to find herself groped for to fill that emptiness that oppresses the ' anima.E 'restless inside, feel the weight of the failure of her marriage and her ex-husband's last words "I have destroyed my life," and stumbles into the knowledge of a young attore.Lui is beautiful, interesting, witty, makes feel good and that for the time enough to decide to dive into this story and go to live with lui.Ma soon blow out the misunderstandings, the immaturity of the boy, his fragility, and Liz sinks even further into the abyss of solitudine.Decide then give a cut to his life and goes Italia.Qui meets a Dutch friend who introduced her in a group of Italian friends who teach philosophy of life between good Mediterranean food, relaxation, beauty, culture, healthy living, relationships solid sense of appartenenza.Qui Liz begins to live, to have fun, to enjoy the pleasure of others, is a first step, but eats importante.Il titolo.Il Please refers to his next trip to an ashram in India where he meets a American man that teases, stimulates the door to look inside without her pietà.In resurface feelings of guilt towards her ex-husband and a wonderful dialogue with his compatriot that he says "You must forgive yourself to find yourself." She then would refer relations with the former boyfriend knowing that he is well, and knowing that her ex-husband is now happy with a new partner and has recreated a new peaceful vita.Ecco pray that the discipline of that place, the spirituality that you breathe in every place, to meditate on the door itself and about what he wants veramente.Inizia the third phase of its "rebirth." Bali is a shaman who had known previously and here accidentally meets a man with His sweetness, gentleness, his attentions, the conquest and feel again the thrill of real amore.Ma she is uncertain and only after a meeting with the shaman that instills confidence in herself realizes that he is her real way, tried hard to balance located in the serenity of love, hence the love of titolo.a part somewhere too common on the various trips, the Italian ones are really heavy at times, the film is smooth and even glimpses of truth where everyone can recognize because I believe that everyone in his life make this inner journey in search of balance, harmony stessi.ed right itself is always not an easy way for everyone, as it is for Liz.Bravissima as always Julia Roberts and excellent Javier Bardem, who gives the right sweetness and depth to his character.
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