Albert is the son of King George V and as such plays a very intensa.Ma official life unlike many of his peers has a serious problem, suffers from an annoying stutter that detract from the speeches officers and in the presence of personality rilievo.La wife of Albert tries to take him to several specialists to treat it, but with no result accettabile.Ecco which, incidentally, someone appointed Lionel, referred to as eccentric logopedista.Lei almost desperate attempt, takes a appointment with the doctor and is convinced to try it this esperienza.Albert comes from Lionel and from there embarks on a journey to break above the defect is not apparent, but impedimento.Lionel find the cause of this points to the knowledge, or rather his friendship with Albert, who familiarly called Bertie, because you know that the problem lies in childhood and is caused by the prince's very little confidence in itself a huge stesso.Con Lionel psychological work can scratch this wall of insecurity and to give the necessary confidence in the prince, who, for reasons independent of him, he will be king and to say the most important speech ever made in England, that in declaring war on Germany Nazis in the name of this libertà.Anche, how they eat, pray, love is a film based on the research and acquisition of greater self-confidence, is obviously an issue very attuale.Straordinarie interpretations of Colin Firth in the role of Albert and geoggrey Rush in the role of Lionel, which alone show their whole class of actors of exceptional valore.Ottima even Helena Bonham Carter in the wife of Albert, the future queen and mother of Queen Elizabeth as II.Un solid film, intense, beautiful sequenza.Merita from first to last, in my opinion, the whole avalanche of Oscar which is a candidate.
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