Exactly 150 years ago the project "Italy," the idea that is developed by Mazzini and Camillo Benso, using the experience of Garibaldi's military strategy, to unite our country free from centuries of fragmentation and domains stranieri.Un project ambitious still can not be said fully completed because unfortunately lacks the glue present in almost all other countries in the world, namely "national identity". We feel we are Italian only in certain circumstances, or sporting events such as Fauste or too ominous type massacres, terrorism, earthquakes, ecc.Li comes out the true character of our people, which is full of solidarity and generosity, repeatedly demonstrated during the storia.Per that events like today should be celebrated and remembered and passed down to future generations, not as silly nationalism, but as real and deep sense of belonging to a country and a people who gave so much to human history in terms of civilization , progress, beauty, culture, art.
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