Wheat Field under a sky nuvoloso.Questo Van Gogh painting was made in July 1890 in Auvers sur Oise during a troubled period of the famous pittore.Quello I was very impressed with this picture is the use of color, that here, unlike many other paintings of the author, has a delicate chromatic inusuale.Non that violence is the brushstrokes of Vincent, but there is an Aeros, a brightness that is perceived chiaramente.Per Van Gogh painting was not only a representation of what the author saw and reported more or less faithfully, but it was only the reflection the "inner vision" of the author, hence the gap between live and the use of colors and accentuated the use of perspective different from that of nature reale.Questa "distortion" that might make it difficult to understand in his paintings on the contrary because it attracts legions of his supporters through each of his paintings are unable to capture the spirit of the author, his condition is like a gift that is done not only work but vincent the soul of man.
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