Everyone I have been shocked seeing the pictures of the devastating earthquake that struck Japan on March 11 followed by an equally frightening tsunami which has given the coup de grace to entire Japanese prefectures, causing thousands of deaths and tens of thousands are missing and senzatetto.Al earthquake Japan can resist quite well, although the magnitude 9 on the Richter scale had never been taken into account in the construction of edifici.Questi overall have held up well but the earthquake was accompanied by an extraordinary event like the tsunami in which the buildings were not prepared for anything and in fact the first images are tragiche.Case crumbled like sand castles, cars swept away, people swallowed by waves more than ten metri.la devastating fury of water has also knocked out one of the most important nuclear power plants in Japan, causing a further tragic alarm radioattiva.Insomma escape that beautiful cluster of islands that Japan is going through one of the most critical phases of its esistenza.Può rely on the proverbial efficiency and courage of its people, organization and the help of Japan's fanatical foreign countries such as United States for the safety of nuclear power and European countries for assistance to earthquake victims and alluvionate.Ovviamente the economy is on its knees and major Japanese companies have halved the production to make sure that energy is distributed more evenly among the people waiting for everything to return as soon as possible normalità.Sono close to the suffering of these people who feel very close.
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